Monthly Archives: January 2007

Music Review – Blackfield – Blackfield II

In England, there lives a man who writes, performs, and produces some of the most beautiful music in this world. And practically nobody will ever even hear it.

That man’s name is Steven Wilson.

Heavily influenced by Pink Floyd, Wilson has been producing music for over 20 years. His most popular works are with Porcupine Tree, Wilson’s progressive rock band. Porcupine Tree’s latest albums have come under more influence from the realm of …

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A Few More Things…

Earlier, I wrote a blog entry about what I’ll miss about Austin. I forgot two so VERY important things that I have to add a new entry:

  1. Skirts with cowboy boots. HOT. It’s awesome, I hope this catches on everywhere. Enough said.
  2. Y’ALL. I must say, I have fallen in love with the use of y’all. It’s so much more fun and easy to say than “you guys” . :”You guys” is awkward and lame,

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I Can’t Cry

It’s been a bit over a month since my LASIK surgery, so I thought I’d share an update.

Unfortunately, the news isn’t that great. The swelling in my left eye went down, so that part’s good.

However, my eyes are not producing tears well, and my tear film is basically awful. This means that my eyes are dry and dirty, which makes the vision blurrier. My left eye (the dominant one) is the worst. …

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Early Season Review: 24, Episodes 1-4 (NO SPOILERS)

After 7 months of waiting, the first two installments of Fox’s hit series “24” will finally be released to the world tonight. Due to my devastating good looks and personality, I have already made connections rather high up in Hollywood, and have secured the first four episodes of the thrilling action series.

Led by Jack Bauer and our friends at the Los Angeles CTU (Counter-Terrorist Unit) must again fight our Middle-Eastern pals who find it …

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On Sunday, my friend Joe and I drove from LA to Phoenix, for the National Championship. After dropping Joe off, I picked up Jeremy and Allison at the airport. Kirby came a couple of hours later, and it was great seeing everyone.

Our late-weekend beatdown began quite quickly as we tried to go out in Glendale, only to get turned around due to the bars closing at midnight. All of the good events were far …

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